Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Amanda's stories 2001-2002

the straw hat
the straw hat has tassels on it. they hang down and look like tire swings. litle tire swings. they sway back and forth in the win as you walk or run or play. princess molly is wearing the straw hat today as she works in her garden. she is planting tulips and iris bulbs. carefully she plucks each bulb and wipes it free of dirt. she then places each bulb in a hole in the ground. then covers it with fresh soil. as princess molly bends to plant her bulbs the tasels on the hat sway. this attracts the attention or MR Bug the cat. Mr bug appoaches her with caution... sneaking up... he pounces and swipes the hat right off the tiny princess head. the princess giggles and puts the hat back on her head. Mr Bug sits on his back legs and plays with the has as the princess plants the flower bulbs.
the end
... jack and his mom and the cow are going to have a party. mom sent jack to the store to buy party hats, ballons, and streamers. It is cows birthday. mom asks cow who she wants to invite. cow said you, jack and stick. who is stick? any stick will do , about as tall as me. jack , mom and cow have their party. they play pin the tail on the donkey and bobbing for apples. then cow takes the stick outside and hits he pinata with it. she eats candy while jack and mom eat cake and ice cream.
the end
there once was a princess and she was big and smart and strong and brave. Her name was molly. she liked to go on adventures. she had a pony, the pony was named sugar foot on the basis that he feet were white and he liked sugar. Sugar foot takes molly on many adventures....
~~ this is where molly fell asleep...
once upon a time there was a princess. the princess was very lonely . Her mom showed her how to draw pictures an put them in order to make stories. The princess did this with lall the little storeis she made up . The great kind would write under the pictures to tell her stories. The king taught her how to read the words. The princess would go to the apple orchard once a week and real her stories to other children in her village. This time came to be known as story hours.
There was a very sad little Fairy. She was so loney and bored, she did not know what to do. One day her mommy fairy brought her home a rose tree and magic soil that she bought from the town magician. The little fairy fell in love with the rose. It was so big and so beautiful. She planted it in the back corner of her garden and used the enchanted soil. She doofully watered it every day and watched as it grew. IT blossomed many fine roses all without thorns. It grew very tall into the sky. One day the Rose tree reached the clouds. On this the the little fairy climed the tree. When she got to the top she found that you cannot walk on clouds, you have to bounce. So she bounced on the clouds. Soon it made a big noise and a the first thunderstorm happened. The little fairy was very scared. She forgot to wiggle her wings to fly away, instead she wiggled her hands. She said OUCH. She couldnt get back like that and her dog jeter was barking at the bottom of the rose tree. He couldnt get up to reach her. She decided she could slide down the rose tree like a slide and ran to her mommy fairy. When she got home, she was not scared and was able to flutter her fairy wings into a hug from her mommy fairy. She gives her mommy fairy hugs and kisses and is happy. Now when the smallest fairy is unhappy or sad, she climbs her rose tree and bounces on the clouds. Her dog jeter is always there to welcome her back to the ground.
The end.
By Amanda Ganoe
Bedtime story 1.16.05
ONCE UPON A TIME THERE WAS A Princess girl named Miss Princess. She had a dog name priceless. The time was verry cold. She needed a jacket.
She looked far and near. She searched in every wardrobe in the castle. Until finally she finds a secret passage. The passage leads to an enchanted closet. In the closet she finds a green coat with gold and diamond trims. She take the coat from the closet and puts it on. She becomes invisible. The Invisible Miss Princess Girl.
Priceless starts to bark. Miss Princess agrees that the green coat is perfect. She can sneak outside and find snow and play in it without getting her butt warmed up. (FOR THE RECORD I"VE NEVER WARMED HER BUTT!!)
Outside the two head to play. Miss Princess’s mommy, the firefighter, notices that there are snowballs being throwen to Priceless and priceless is catching them. But the firefighter cannot see anyone throwing the snowballs. The fire fighter can see snow angels appearing from nowhere. She proclaims to the kingdom this is a new holiday. It is the day to be call forever as (laughing here) January 16, the day of the snow angels.
Miss Princess Girl comes back inside and eats cheese cracker and gives pricless her ppj sandwich and goes to bed. She hangs the green coat in her own closet and then goes to sleep.
the end.
Amanda is given a choice every evening if she would like a story read to her, if she would like to read a story or if she would like to make one up. She, in the last year has choosen to make up her own. I decided last night that as a MOM, it should be my responsibility to arcive the stories she tells. So, I have typed out last nights tale. Sorry for the misspellings, I’ve got no writing program right now. ONE more expense@!!!! So rather then backtrack, I am going to add them as she tells them from now forward. At least she got something from me! Creativity.
Also I will note the Characters she uses
Mommy - The Firefighter
Dad - the bunny ?? LOL.WTF
G’pa - King
G’ma - Fairy godmother
Russ- The dragon and or the pussycat LOL.. heeher kitty kitty .. LOL
Joe the jackass - the pegasus
Mr Ray (neighbor) the giant
Miss Susan (neighbor’s wife) the enchanted cook (??) is that possible?
Amanda - Miss Princess Mollyworm
Dog.. changes daily
and added yesterday (laughing here)
Dillian (neighbor’s g’son)- Prince Charming or the Prince or the sorrcer
Dalton (neighbors g’son lil bro) stable boy (FITTING)
Tony - is the snowball throwing tiger. uth huh. ok. LOL.
I think there are a few more, but I can’t remember them this second and she just told me it is NOT story time, i will find out later .... grrrrrrrrrr

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