Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hello America

Describe a person, place or incident that means a lot to you. This was a college course on creative writing.
Hello America, I resemble you. I am rich in as many resources; indirectly reflected by you. I have your beauty and your vigor of life.
My eyes are this ever blue. The ever blue of your skies. Yet, they change like a storm, to reflect the troubled water in your oceans and that water is what tastes like my tears.
My skin is a fair and elegant ivory or white. Like the clouds whom roam across your ever blue sky or the white caps which roll upon your waves.
My hair is red, orange, yellow and gold. Like Autumn in NY or the wild fires that consume southern California. And as a leaf falls from a tree, hair strays from my head. While your winds whip the fires into a uncontrollable fury’ it does the same to my mane; yet also personifies my freedom. There are no boundaries.
My teeth, nails and bone are hard like the layers of your crust. Your rocks and your shells. Where you are mighty , I am proud. Your defiance is mine.
Most importantly, I am a woman, and as you have been violated by settlers and wars, I am also subject to undo crimes against my body at any given moment.
Thank You America. I am beautiful because of YOU

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